January 18, 2017
by Connie Albriton
Everyone knows that I am against 780. One of the scariest things about it is that heroin will be a misdemeanor every time. Heroin is a very deadly drug. I can’t count the number of lives I have seen ruined by that drug. It’s hard to kick the habit and some of my clients end up on Methadone for the rest of their lives. I have had clients who died from using heroin. They are usually young people with small kids or teenagers who haven’t lived yet.
People don’t get sent to prison on the first or second sometimes even the third felony. Yes we need more treatment options but that is more of a mental health issue. I have a teenage son and I don’t want him to grow up in a state that thinks heroin should be a misdemeanor. Just because the commercials are repeatedly telling you it’s a “smart justice reform” it’s not.
I read that if this passes we will have the most liberal drug laws in the U.S. Do your research please!